Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Grow Your Own House
Tyre foundations.. and so many innovative designs.
Search on web for Laki Senanayake
Friday, February 15, 2008
The carbon fumes and the other relevant toxic gases are responsible for air pollution. Air prolusion is bi-fold. One is accumulation of toxic gases in air and the other is the heat which results micro climatic currents. This is due to the discharge of the burnt fuel gases and the heat which comes through that.
Isn’t it true that the electric vehicles do the same? Isn’t it true that the greener gadgets are not really greener gadgets? The environmental sustainable designs are not environmental sustainable ?
To produce such greener gadgets we use plastic materials and other kinds of non perishable materials. So the environmental is polluted anyway. That is why the electrical cars are not really environmental friendly, to charge these cars the fuel will burnt and CO2 is released to the atmosphere.
Isn’t it true that the non civilized man had a sustainable life, because he was so merged with the nature and depends on nature?
What is wrong there of being not civilized?
Are we civilized or none civilized?
Today from the whole world 80% of the resources are consumes by the 20% of the people. And still they are violating the rights of humans in the other parts of the world by polluting the air and beaching their rights.
G8 has come up with a concept of Carbon trading, where they will pollute the air and pay compensation in money to the tropics for growing up the trees.
Is that concept is right?
Not at all.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Actually the time is not scare it is infinite. But why humans feel it as a scare resource...? It is because the life has its own limits. Human mind is the centre of the world and each self is the centre of the universe to each other. Simply humans believe that the time is scare by forgetting that they will have to have a birth again and start the things from the beginning.
Consider a measuring tape. The life is like humans are running a relay on it. After each one someone else would be there to put his efforts. Measuring tape is the time, and the sun and the rain, moon and the stars will come and go may be the humans will vanish and newmans can breed another civilization but still the time passes and it is not scare, what is scare is our life time. So it is the life time which is relative.
In that fact it is always a necessity for humans to work in this relative timeframe and space that their brain capacity gave them. Expectations are decreasing the feel of the time as your mind starts to work fast with them. But why people are engaged in different fields, why they wanted to work.
Earlier people were living in the present but what happened to day people are living in the past which is good, but in the future as well which is bad. Being in the future is superior to the common sense, but it is an impossible effort and today it has been changed in to a situation where the inferiority and the superiority are depending on the belongings.
But if you come out of the frame which has been created by the process of the fife today and start thinking against the process one will realize that the process if fake. It is a system created in the human mind according to the previous experiences of life up to date.
So if one wants to stick in to the life span and be a wheel of the brain system it is safe and no efforts shall make to something different. But still if someone wants to do something classic which doesn’t have to do anything with the life time, then it would be eternal and he himself would have time as much as he wants.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
DATA is not a WASTE but RECORDING them is a WASTE
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Country or The System
At that particular time we were having tea after a very tiring day.
We had a discussion on different topics. We didn't need any topic to argue, but being belong to two continents was enough for us to argue on several things. Previous night i was beaten with the issues of why we should have peace talks with LTTE with the Norwegian Facilitator. With his background it was the only option he believed as the solution and i got hurt since he didn't really accepted the way of the Sri Lankan thinking.
When we are having the tea we had a comparison of each others salaries. But finally he started saying how the system in the Belgium is working when it come to the sick leaves.
He said " When it comes to a few days leave the first day salary is paid by the employer and for the rest of the days it is the government who is paying the salary."
Then i asked how the Government is having money to pay a salary for the sick leave.
"It is by the taxes that we pay", he replied.
With the typical Sri Lankan mentality i told him that if you can have more and more sick leaves then you will get the maximum benefit of the taxes that he would pay.
He looked at me like that I'm going to screw him, and he said the whole system would collapse then and people are not going to make it happen.
I remember that he told me that the three nations there in Belgium who are Flemish, Germans and the French are going to form separate boundaries for them selves and the Flanders are going to have a sovereignty and a separate country.
Then i got a point and asked him in such a situation what would you select, the system which is providing everything to you, or the county as you love your country. He said that he would select the system instead of the country and accept the separation and the division of the land.
And my next question was
"Is this is the way every European would think?", because everyone is having so called developed systems. He reply was "yes". Then i just told him we do not have a system but we have a country to which we are bound to. He nodded.
What i was thinking then was why we are fighting for the boundaries, and can a foreign mind judge how we feel as Sri Lankans, definitely not. Then should we have a system, which makes everything mechanical.
Why don't we think that we are more developed with our hearts than in a physical way. We are happy and thousand times better than the way they behave in social matters.
We are human care for each other. When a new person comes to work with us he is not treated as a human replacement to a mechanism which is the physical aspect of a relationship, but we are trying to create friendship, a metaphysical connection with him. After all we are suffering because we are not organized.Sometimes we are getting the bad effect of such relationships.
Anyway still I'm confused what would i select, THE COUNTY or THE SYSTEM.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Interiorised Inferiority-"oh THEY are the best"
With the colonization people created the separation of inferior and superior nations. Though sometimes colonization and happened due to internal conflicts the feelings of superiors and inferior is forces in the mind. The religions have to play a main role there since someone would hardly change their religion in a lifetime. Then ideas of inferiority and the superiority breeds.
Still if the education system is not changes and people are not trained to believe in them selves rather than the other nations this moral property cannot be changed and the patriotism cannot be expected from such people.
The reason for the India's Rapid development is not only because of their will, they are in a process of decolonizing. Indians are highly believed in themselves, and they respect the Indian way. They respect the people who speak Hindi or any Indian language than any other foreign language. Majority listen to the local music, ad focused on the local movies.
It is true that the Indians had people to follow during their freedom struggle, but we Sri Lankan never thought of having a monument of freedom at least after the 50 years being free from the west. May be we don’t want it, that it’s the attitude that is to be challenged.
We believe that we are capable as the others as well. When we had international workshops in university what we felt was that we are capable of doing great things than anyone else could imagine. But still we are at a lower rank than them. The reason is we are not willing to promote ourselves as a nation. But now the time has come to change our selves in so many ways which is appropriate, not to compete but to give them a challenge, then we know where we are.
The very little crazy thing which comes to our minds would lead us to success if we identify it and make the correct use of it. The world is us, if we open our minds today and look in to tomorrow. Every human being is made to see beauty of the earth and to make it even beautiful.